Cheshire's Historic Working Water Mill

Bunbury Watermill Trust
Registered Charity No. 1137485
Privacy Policy
Responsible Person
The person responsible for ensuring that Bunbury Watermill Trust (BWT) discharges its obligations under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), also known as the Data Controller, is Neil Fowkes who is a trustee of the charity. Other BWT trustees and volunteers are ‘Data Processors’ responsible for processing personal data in accordance with the GDPR.
Purpose of data collection
Personal data are held for the purposes communicating with BWT supporters and for BWT administration.
Photographs and/or video recordings may be taken at Mill events. These images may be published for purposes of Mill publicity and will be retained as part of the charity’s historical archive.
Legal basis
GDPR requires that all data are held under one of 6 legal bases. BWT maintains a Register of Systems which details the personal data held and the legal basis relied upon in each instance.
Data Storage
The personal data the charity holds may be in electronic form on computers personally owned by trustees of the charity or on paper. In either case the media will physically reside at either the private home of a trustee or at Bunbury Watermill Visitor Centre.
Data sharing
Photographs and/or video recordings taken at Mill events may be published for the purposes of Mill publicity. Other personal data will never be shared with any third party except for communications sent via a GDPR compliant service.
Retention of data
BWT maintains a Data Retention Policy which details the time periods for which various types of data are retained.
Individuals have the right to have their data deleted at any time unless there is a legal obligation for BWT to retain it.
Your rights
GDPR confers on data subjects the right to have their data deleted, corrected, to receive a copy or restrict how it is used. Please contact the BWT’s Data Controller if required at gdpr@bunburymill.com